Recalibration Individual
Turning Roadblocks into Open Runways
This program is for ANYONE - entrepreneurs, leaders, lightworkers, educators, students, parents, managers, artists, and athletes.
It's for people who want to dive deeper into self-discovery, reveal hidden gifts, uncover old patterns, and ignite creative genius.
12 Principles Of Self-Mastery
Creative Thinking
Cause and Effect
See Below for more details on each Principle.
What To Expect?
Small intimate group setting
50-Minute sessions
12 Principles - one per week
1 virtual session per week
Assignments are sent out 2 weeks prior to the group session
Participation is required. Bring your most authentic self and complete the assignments.
All sessions are recorded and emailed after the call
Buy a journal, physical writing will be a part of the process
Accompanying reading material
Copy of "The Greatest Gift"
Benefits From This Program?
Discover unconscious gifts
Disconnect from old identities
Quicken the process of transformational cycles
Enhance your manifestation magic
Feel amazing in vulnerability
Shift old mindsets on command
Enhance your self-worth
Tap into your unlimited source of abundance
Live in deep, constant joy
Develop a meditation practice that sticks
Tap into your creative genius
Create deeper connections
Develop a mindfulness practice
Program Overview
The Recalibration is for those who want to rebirth into the greatest version of themselves or need a gentle nudge to catapult to the next level of conscious living, to experience life with enthusiasm, deep joy, and profound fulfillment. The two requirements to Recalibrate are self-commitment and engaged presence.
The Recalibration is 12-Week Semester long program meeting for 50 minutes via Zoom each week. The curriculum is broken up into 12 lessons breakdown one Hermetic Principle per week. Each lesson is meticulously created to infused ancient wisdom into your energetic field, coupled with practical science and reflective questions to expand inner awareness and perspective.
Experience the groundbreaking transformation firsthand by contributing today. Your donation not only helps others but also grants you access to a life-changing journey of self-discovery and growth. Donate to Recalibrate!
Program Outline
Each principle builds upon each other and often is perfectly poised to help transform current life challenges. The lessons require contemplation and there is an assignment to implement the principles into daily life. Assignments and insights are shared with the group, and each person shares their experience.
Principle of Curiosity -
Curiosity is our natural conduit to inspiration. It engages our minds, inviting deeper contemplation, and offers a pathway to spontaneous originality in all that captivates us. It also fosters the patience to listen to what emerges from the quiet within.
​​Principle of Oneness -
Oneness teaches that true connection with all life is often misunderstood because we intellectualize it. Mastering Oneness requires recognizing inner constriction, a tension shaping our lives through our reactions. At its core, this principle reveals that the absence of love is the root of all human suffering.
Principle of Correspondence -
Correspondence helps us discover solutions by revealing the connections between the higher and lower aspects of our experiences. It goes beyond reflection, uncovering the intricate layers of reality and empowering us to understand the Universe through the patterns and opportunities that shape our lives.
Principle of Vibration -
Vibration explains that everything in the Universe, both visible and invisible, is made of energy that vibrates at a specific frequency. Our thoughts, feelings, and actions each have their own frequency, attracting similar energies. Simply put, how we think and feel connects us to the energy of the Universe, where "like attracts like".
Principle of Sensation -
Sensation focuses on consciously sharpening our senses to enrich our experiences. By cultivating synesthesia—where one sense involuntarily triggers another—we can merge sensory pathways and perceive the world in a more creative, interconnected way.
Principle of Creative Thinking -
Creative Thinking involves integrating analytical (left hemisphere) and imaginative (right hemisphere) functions into Whole Brain Thinking, blending logic and creativity for enhanced intelligence and wisdom.
Principle of Cause and Effect -
Every thought, action, and emotion sets off a chain reaction that vibrates through our body and the environment, eventually returning to its source. There are no accidents; the effects in our lives stem from the causes we generate within ourselves.
Principle of Polarity -
Polarity asserts that everything has dual aspects and a pair of opposites, which are essentially identical in nature. Upon deeper understanding, it becomes clear that opposites are not truly opposite but are simply reflections of our perception.
Principle of Rhythm -
​The Principle of Rhythm reveals how our desires align with the natural cycles of life—beginnings, endings, expansion, and contraction. While we may wish to control life’s rhythm, timing is a blend of will, purpose, and trust, acknowledging that not all experiences can be predicted or understood.
Principle of Balance -
Balance encourages us to explore different aspects of balance in our lives. By examining both global and personal experiences, we ask essential questions about our purpose and presence. Achieving balance reveals the richness Earth, and the kindness and harmony from humanity, enhancing our collective ecosystem of life.
Principle of Gender -
The term "gender," from the Latin for "to create or produce," is broader than physical differences. It emphasizes that all things in the Universe embody both masculine and feminine energies, working together to create balance and harmony.
Principle of Rebirth -
Rebirth encourages us to act as gardeners, planting seeds of consciousness within ourselves to blossom into our Divine Truth and Purpose. This involves nurturing hidden potentials and transforming the unseen into revelation, embracing the sacred connection as a gift.